See what happens when you go away for a few days – you miss all the excitement.
I found my book on LendInk MONTHS ago. It had a lovely review from the person lending it which I duplicated on my blog (is that copyright violation, if I C&P someone’s review of my book?), but I did have a little “huh?” moment before I figured out what the site was all about.
I can’t believe that some people didn’t read that bit on the Amazon kdp form which says that you have to enable lending in order to get the 70% royalty rate.
However, and this thought just occurred to me, not all authors published on Amazon would have seen that form.
Let me explain. My first book was self-pubbed. I saw the form, I filled it in, I knew that by enabling the 70% royalty rate I was enabling lending. So far so good.
But, since then I have had two short stories and two novels acquired by an ebook publisher. So far, three of those have been published, all on Amazon and various other sites (under two different names as they are different genres). I did not fill in the form; the publisher did.
So it is possible that an author who has only had their books published through a publisher might not be aware that all books priced over $2.99 have to have lending enabled.
This was raised with our publisher by one author about a week ago and the publisher looked into it, explained to us all that it was totally legal and that by pricing the books at $2.99 or over, all the books were entered into the lending programme, and that LendInk were doing nothing wrong.
BTW, people, the past tense of ‘lend’ is ‘lent’, not ‘lended’. Your books are lent, not lended :)
Dare I mention that LendInk is not the only lending website out there…?
This was in response to this blog post:
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